Acupuncture for Snoring Symptoms [Does it Work?]

Typically, acupuncturists will recommend natural lifestyle changes in addition to using acupuncture for snoring symptoms. These include healthy eating and exercise, deep breathing, a relaxation practice, proper sleep posture and sometimes food elimination.

Using Acupuncture for Snoring Symptoms - Does it Work?

Specifically, traditional Chinese medicine defines snoring to be caused by “dampness and energy stagnation“. Drinking green tea, practicing Tai Chi and gargling salt water can also help to alleviate the dampness and thus stop snoring.

How Does Acupuncture Stop Snoring?

The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine provides a great explanation for how acupuncture can treat snoring problems. Many times, people snore due to congested sinus pathways.

Some practitioners think that a weak immune system can lead to symptoms like swelling and allergies. They believe that these ailments come about because of a blocked Qi.

An acupuncture treatment can help release the blocked Qui, and therefore relieve the swelling and congestion that result in snoring. In fact, therapists often use acupuncture to treat numerous allergy symptoms like such as sneezing, headaches, runny nose, itchy eyes and throat plus congestion.

For people who have chronic allergies, Chinese medicine might provide a better solution than a nose piece for snoring. Nose vents or nasal strips work better as a temporary fix.

More Reasons to Try Acupuncture for Snoring Symptoms:

Acupuncture and SnoringIn addition, excess body weight commonly leads to snoring as people age. Weight gain occurs for a number of reasons. However, often we can attribute it to stress, unbalanced hormones and interestingly, poor sleep.

Practitioners can use acupuncture to balance hormones, improve sleep and relax the body naturally. In turn, people can lose that extra weight more easily and hence, we can minimize snoring.

Of course, releasing pressure points with acupuncture needles doesn’t always solve sleep problems. Plus, Chinese acupuncture may not be a long term cure for snoring.

That said, this relaxing therapy may enable your body to heal naturally without using medication or drugs. And actually, you may be able to treat multiple health problems at once. For instance, if you suffer from allergies, carb cravings and you snore, acupuncture may be able to help remedy all 3!

Benjamin Krieg, L.Ac. of Roots of Eastern Medicine Acupuncture says that snoring symptoms like phlegm overproduction, enlarged tissues, slow fluid metabolism, inflammation and poor muscle tone can signify similar problems throughout the body. Therefore, the sooner we resolve snoring, the faster we can heal the rest of the body too.

“These are very basic strategies in Chinese medicine that can be achieved through herbs, acupuncture, and lifestyle adjustments, to ultimately improve health and eliminate snoring at its root.” (source)

By the way, some people ask about an “acupuncture ring” or “acupuncture bracelet”. I think they are referring the the popular acupressure rings and bracelets. I personally have never tried these devices. However, many people swear by these small, inexpensive gadgets to help minimize inflammation and promote circulation in the hands. That said, I have not heard that they have worked for snoring or sleep.

More Studies on Acupuncture and Snoring/Sleep Apnea: